5 Ways Righteous Gentiles Saved Jews in Europe During the Holocaust
Righteous Gentiles hid Jews in their homes, provided Jews with forged documents, assisted their escape, saved children and provided encouragement…
Closing a Circle; Doctor Treats Man Who Saved Him from Abortion
Dr. Carasso from the Rambam Hospital is grateful to his patient to whom he owes his existence
Doing it Yourself – The Two Phases of Life
Watch a fascinating clip illustrating the kabbalistic patterns and phases in life, with Rabbi Akiva Tatz
Opening Packages and Containers on Shabbat
Is it permissible to tear open packets of sugar or make a hole in the top corner of a bag…
Former Miss Israel Donates a Torah Scroll to a Synagogue
Mor Maman, Miss Israel 2014 gave a Torah scroll to ‘K’Ayal Ta'arog’ in Har Choma
The Big Chazaq Event – A Night of Unity and Inspiration
Don’t miss out on the annual Chazaq event on Sunday night the 15th of July 2018. Featuring Rabbi YY Jacobson,…
When is it Permissible to be Angry?
It is better to invest our energy in the fight against anger, than to invest our energy in getting angry
Gallery: Best Bird Photos of 2017
See incredible images of birds, taken by photographers around the globe. This year's winner is a young man named Alejandro…
You Can Become Great!
Discover the latent talents, power and holiness inside you and use them to become great
Teachings of Rav Pinchas of Koritz
One of the primary disciples of the holy Ba’al Shem Tov and the author of “Imrei Pinchas.”