How the Coronavirus is Changing the Entire World – Must Watch

    Suit patients presentant une insuffisance. This project blossom over the last Foucault ghardaïa et ses environs et consulter la liste…

    10 Foods You Can Eat Freely (Almost)

    They’re all rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, and low in calories

    The Maccabeats – Cups (D’ror Yikra)

    A Cappella Music Video: This is a ‘must sing’ for the Shabbat table

    The Morally Destructive Face of Evolution

    The decision to have faith in evolution is the same decision to deny G-d

    Yosef Karduner & Ari Goldwag – Shir Lamaalot

    Ari Goldwag joins Yosef Karduner as he sings his classic song "Shir Lamaalot" a song of ascents (Psalm 121), the…

    Watch: Firefighters Training Like you’ve Never Seen Before

    See how the Chinese train their firefighters to be the fast, fit and unified

    Freedom: Passover 1983

    Leah Gindi relives the freedom of Passover every year. She escaped with her family from Syria on Passover 1983.

    Self – Deception

    Genuine control is only in the spiritual realm

    Whose Project is it Anyway?

    Hands off, Mom - let the kids do it themselves.

    Immortality and Science

    The soul, electrons, biological transformation and regeneration, and more!
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