Living Shmittah

    Shemittah sensitivity - Do we have enough sensitivity to the laws of Shemittah?

    Watch: Wonders of Creation: Leopard Diver

    This leopard is a pro diver; he swims and eats lunch at the same time. Gone viral

    Watch: How is Honey Made?

    On Rosh Hashanah Jews all around the world practice the custom of dipping apples into honey. How does the honey…

    Why Did G-d Create Fear?

    What purpose does it serve?

    8 Facts about Cohanim (Priests)

    Why did Rav Preida merit longevity? Which families are considered families of Cohanim? What does the word "Cohen" mean in…

    Must We Be in Pain to Be United?

    A letter to G-d, words of love shared in pain

    The Shabbat Project – 2015

    This Saturday the world-wide Shabbat Project takes off once again, millions of Jews all over the world will keep Shabbat,…

    When Bill Clinton Wanted to Repent – Rabbi YY Jacobson

    A deep message about the essence of repentance by Rabbi YY Jacobson. Must watch

    Watch: Behind the Scenes of Creating Water Images

    Watch this spectacular technique for creating water images, with the use of sophisticated technology. See how it works

    What is the Biggest Mitzvah, What is the Biggest Sin?

    10 quotes to remember from the letter Rabbi Elijah of Vilna, the ‘Vilna Gaon’ sent his wife
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