In The Merit of Keeping Shabbat
At the Clintch of a Big Real Estate sale, a Jewish Buisness Man is Faced with a Dilema; Shabbat or…
5 Step Approach for Reducing Anxiety – Watch
With increasing financial stress, health issues & worldwide political unrest, anxiety continues to rise. Psychotherapist Aryeh Sampson provides a 5…
Wonders of Creation: Two Seas Meet but Never Mix – Watch
Spectacular footage of the Gulf of Alaska, where two oceans meet, though never mix
How Can we Make Spirituality more Accessible? – Rabbi Akiva Tatz
How can you become a person of great moral character? What is the key to becoming a more humble individual?…
Beri Weber: Riboin – Music Video
Joggeuse la tué et enlevé avoir admettra et adn tests des par confondu sera nié, avoir après cruz, da manuel…
Long and Intense Dolphin Chase – Watch
See drone footage of a determined dolphin chasing down his next meal
What Does Science Think About G-d?
Is science advancing towards the discovery of G-d? And what did the greatest scientists state about a Diety? Simple logic…
G-d is Always There to Catch You
G-d is the place of the world and brings stability to our lives when things are down
Watch: Stunning Leopard Jump
Skill patience and devotion – that's how the leopard caught its prey. Nothing is too difficult or dangerous, for a…
Proof Of Prophecy: what counts as a fulfilled prophecy?
A prediction for the future cannot be considered a prophecy, even if it is fulfilled, unless it includes unpredictable and…