Is There Life After Death?

    How does it work? Is there a male soul and a female soul?

    The Big Chazaq Event – A Night of Unity and Inspiration

    Don’t miss out on the annual Chazaq event on Sunday night the 15th of July 2018. Featuring Rabbi YY Jacobson,…

    Ohad Moskowitz: “Shelach Malachecha” – New Hit

    Jewish Music Superstar Ohad Moskowitz sings his new hit song 'Shlach Malachecha' from his newly released album. An Aaron Teitelbaum…

    The Place Where They Belong: New Release by Abie Rotenberg & Boruch Levine

      Developed and Hosted by Bluefish Digital. Back Official Events Back The 2. Back Heritage Names. Leave message.

    Nafshi – Shulem Lemmer & Shulem Brodt with the Yedidim Choir

    Enjoy this heartfelt performance of "Nafshi" by Shulem Lemmer and child soloist Shulem Brodt. Song Originally recorded by Ishay Ribo…

    Technology vs. Emotional Health

    Technology is winning and our emotional health is losing big time

    Holocaust Survivor Leah Kaufman Describes How She Survived a Death March

    The wagon driver saved her life through a simple kindness.

    The Tie That Binds

    Recognizing the perils he would be forced to face in combat both spiritually and physically

    Idolatry: What Does it Mean and Why is it Forbidden? – Rabbi Akiva Tatz

    Does idolatry exist today? What's so terrible about idolatry? Rabbi Akiva Tatz explains. Brought to you by J-TV

    Kindness at a Supermarket

    The cashier swept her own credit card for me!
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