Man’s Real “Free Choice” in this World – In Two Words

    How can man possibly make the wrong choice? How does free will work?

    Seder Night: The Journey to Freedom

    We appreciate the gift of time and sanctify it. This Seder night let us journey to freedom with all of…

    Creeping Plants Invade an Abandoned Fishing Village in China

    This is what happens when people abandon their place of residence, and an entire village is left deserted without a…

    What Were Steve Jobs’ Last Words Before He Died?

    Steve Jobs last words are a message for all of us to remember.

    A ‘Phone Call’ to G-d

    “I was praying in a phone booth when someone came; what do I do?”

    Yaakov Shwekey ‘ELOKAI OZ’ – Grant a Cure for My Illness

    Based on the melody sang by the Kabbalist Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Hillel, Head of Yeshivat "Ahavat Shalom" in Jerusalem

    8th Day: “Bring It Home” – Concert Footage

    Go behind the scenes and on stage with 8th Day. Filmed at this years Soul II Soul concert at The…

    Purim-How it Used to Be in my Father’s Home

    Some memories you will always take with you.
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