Singles Get Ready! The Song of Splitting the Sea Will Help you Find Your Spouse!
This week in Beshalach we will read about the splitting of the sea. Why does the song about the splitting…
Orthodox Jewish Population Rising in U.S.
Pew Center report says percentage of Orthodox Jews is climbing rapidly.
Maturity – Closing the Circle
Maturity means sacrificing possibilities to focus on achieving something real
The World Trade Center Disaster – Why?
Many ask about the spiritual significance of this terrible tragedy that brought the US low. We are too small to…
The Weight of Air
Before Galileo made his significant discovery, how would the Torah Sages living 2,000 years ago have answered the question; how…
Help, My Husband Has Retreated Into His Cave Again
It’s been a long day and you’re desperate to talk about it
When Does the Fetus Receive Its Soul?
It is clear to scientists that at around the fortieth day after conception, the fetus gains the status of a…
The Journey and the Destination – Rabbi Akiva Tatz
If you grasp your life as a journey to an amazing destination, the building of an eternal result, the difficulties…
The Impact of Silence on the Human Body
Our Sages tell us that silence protects human wisdom, and is the healthiest pill to swallow
Avraham Fried & Yonatan Razel: ‘Katonti’
Performed at a Tzomah concert. Masterpiece