The Book of Ruth: ‘Ploni Almoni’ – Why is He Known as The Anonymous Individual?

    In Judaism, it is not enough to be ‘good’, rather we must strive to be ‘great’

    Watch Video! Freedom from Anxiety

    What causes anxiety? How can you escape anxiety and panic attacks?

    How Small Can a Kindness Be?

    Even a small kindness is something big!

    Beri Weber: Rabi Shimon – Official Music Video

    Watch Beri Weber and the Malchus Choir sing the popular 'Rabi Shimon Ben Yochai Omer'

    More Than Just Words

    Science has discovered that sound waves can affect our physical reality in significant ways, depending upon the types of words…

    The Essence of Prayer

    What should we focus on when praying?

    Make Your Apple & Honey Much More Creative

    Watch: How to make a beautiful swan out of an apple. A great table decoration for The New Year

    The Secret of Love

    Why did G-d create love?

    Bending The Rules

    Sometimes the situation calls for a little leeway

    Rosh Chodesh – Rising Above Physicality

    Our mission as Jews is to rise above our physicality
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