Gallery: Best Bird Photos of 2017

    See incredible images of birds, taken by photographers around the globe. This year's winner is a young man named Alejandro…

    Wonders of Creation: Beautiful Glacier Flowing with Frozen Water

    “There is no artist like our G-d” (Rashi: Shmuel I - Chapter 2:2)

    Women to know: Robin Meyerson’s Spiritual Journey

    I need to put my kids first, because I’m the only mom they have

    How to Actually Enjoy Shabbat – Watch

    Have you ever felt bored or lonely on Shabbat? Learn how to connect and feel the beauty of the gift…

    Wonders of Creation – Birds Hatching in a Nest

    Your browser doesn’t support video. Please download the file: video/mp4 Pilules bleues pour raviver la libido etc je viendrai te…


    Thanks for publishing such an insightful and entertaining weekly magazine. I really enjoy reading it. Your series “Girl on a…

    Watch: How a Cat Managed to Jump into the Dog Cage

    The cat in the video did not want to be alone in a cage in the pet store, so he…

    Keeping Our Children within the Fold

    Why do our kids go "off the derech" and what can we do to stop them? In this short video,…

    Optical illusions

    What Do You Really See In Here? Weekly mental challenge

    Life After Life – 1: The Phenomena of Near Death Experiences (NDE)

    "Above me was a light that was clearer than anything I had ever seen. Afterwards a form appeared before me…
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