Inspiring Jewish WomenModesty

LYA: A New Women’s Fashion Line That is Also Modest

LYA is a new women’s line that just burst out on the fashion scene. LYA stands for L Linor, Y Yafit and A Abergel and Attias. At the Tel-Aviv display of the new line, news reporters heard inspiring stories and also received a book of Psalms.  

Linor Abergel a former Miss World and professional model grew up in a traditional home in Netanya. She left all that behind when she strengthened her faith and observance of Judaism. She is the mother of twins Netanel and Odel almost 5 years old and Avigail a three year old.

Yafit Attias lived in a non-religious home in Jerusalem who also became stronger in her observance and she is the vice president of marketing in her father Rami Levi’s supermarket empire. She is the mother of four. Adar- Rachamim a nine year old boy, Adi an 8 year old girl, Meiri a six year old boy and Shira a two year old girl.

Seven years ago Yafit decided to wear modest clothing and a full head covering. Her mother was shocked and told her: “Oh No! Maybe you should wait a few years! Your kerchief will make you look like an old lady!  But I don’t feel that my head covering aged me in any way. I was more worried about finding modest clothing that was also nice” Yafit relates.

Attias speaks of two Israeli TV stars that are her husband’s friends. Last year Static and Ben-El became part of our family. They would come for Shabbat meals occasionally. They don’t perform on Shabbat not necessarily because of my husband but rather because they concluded that without Shabbat they would have no moment of peace the whole week. Work sucks everything out of you and you need one day to breathe,” Yafit says.

Yafit also says how she and her husband strengthened themselves together. “10 years ago we started our strengthening as a matter of appreciation for finding one another. The first Shabbat we kept was the Shabbat Chatan (the first Shabbat after the wedding) and with every pregnancy and birth we get stronger and stronger in our observance.”

“I also watch myself not to touch men,” Yafit adds. “Most men who come to business meetings already know me. Sometimes someone will let out an expletive and turn to me and apologize. They know to watch their speech around me. A man who stretches out his hand out for a handshake will see me lift my hand and salute. When Linor and I spoke of making our fashion line we held hands and placed them on Rabbi Nachman’s grave and prayed to G-d asking: “Please give us your blessing. We want to be modest and feminine.” We prayed for this from a most wholesome place (in our hearts).”

The whole idea took shape in a chance conversation when they were both on a plane to Uman to visit Rabbi Nachman’s grave. As they talked Yafit and Linor found they had a lot in common and decided together to launch a line of fashion that is also modest.

The first collection has 36 outfits and cloaks. “Our small is really a small-medium; the cut is very flattering and especially suitable for women who gave birth,” Yafit extolls the virtues of this line. She not only manages the business end she also visits the sewing rooms.

“Stage one will include an international website promising door to door delivery. But we will also have pop-up short term stores for the benefit of those who prefer to measure the clothing when buying. We will also have a special line of custom clothing made to order. For example a woman can order a tall size where a standard skirt would be short on her.” All of the sewing is done in Israel.

“There are plenty of ways to sanctify the name of G-d and we do it in our way”, Linor adds. “For most of the non-religious public in Israel, religious people wear black and throw rocks at buses on Shabbat. Therefore I take the liberty to say that our clothing brings Jewish hearts together and unites them.”

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