When I first heard that G-d created the world because He desired to give His love and goodness to Man, I had a question: For what? He lacks nothing, so why create human beings, who often disappoint Him and sin against Him?
This is similar to a man who wants to have children. We can ask; why do you want children, once they are born, they need so much mental, material, physical, and spiritual resources from you? But those infertile couples who suffer unimaginably during the nerve-racking wait for children testify to an intense desire to have children. This was recognizable in our mother Rachel's cry: “Give me sons, and if not, I will die!”
G-d desired children to pour his goodness on them. However, though G-d wants to pour this goodness on us, He still asks us to earn our reward honestly, through hard work and hard work.
This idea can be explained by a parable of a prince, who grew up in the palace and became accustomed to all the pleasures of the world. One day, his father decided that it was time to prepare him to become a king, and sent him on a long and arduous training course.
If we were asked what kind of king we would prefer to rule over us – one who grew up in the palace all his life and never knew a shortage and difficulty, or someone who left a life of comfort and luxury, experienced hard work, trouble and deprivation, learned from them and failed? The answer is clear. A person who fights to grow from his difficulty is worthy of leading others.
Anyone who reads the Chafetz Chaim's laws of loshon hora (slander and evil speech) may suffer from weakness. A voice inside him shouts: “How can one remember all the laws? … How do we apply them? … And is there anyone who can avoid the obstacles?” It seems that this is only for the righteous, and certainly not for common people. This is what the Evil Inclination tells us, making us forget our life’s purpose; to connect to goodness and spread G-d's light in the world.
The Chafetz Chaim explains that the task is not simple, but if we agree to let go of our ego and examine our life’s purpose, we'll discover that only through diligence and hard work can we get results! We must learn the Halachot that will help us protect our language, which can destroy spiritual and material worlds in one moment.
In our Torah portion a terrible disaster happens, the two sons of Aaron die because of a bitter mistake. In those terrible moments Aaron the High Priest goes against nature and connects to G-d's will out of submission and self-nullification: “And Aaron was silent.” We see that even when enduring life's greatest trials, a person who suppresses his anger and sorrow can attain supreme spiritual virtues, and revive the entire world, as it is written: “He suspends the world on naught” (Job 26). On which our sages say: “One who holds back his tongue ('bolem'- hold back has the same root as 'blima'- naught) holds up the entire world”. So even if we fall, we'll repent and we will start from scratch, each time anew. “The one who wants to become pure will receive divine assistance.”
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