Alan asks: “Hello, as far as I know, scientists have not yet succeeded to produce life from inanimate objects. Though I would like to understand why; after all, the force of life is made up of various chemicals, so is not enough to just combine chemicals together in order to generate life?”
Shalom Alan, thanks for your question.
We are all composed of small cells that are connected to each other, which operate and coordinate together. If we illustrate the living cell as a state, then the human body is actually an entire world, made up of billions of tiny states, each state containing a whole industry of factories, vehicles, computers and more; operating automatically, like a machine.
The smallest living cell in our body is more complex than all of New York City’s plumbing. For hundreds of years, cells had been seen by scientists as little bubbles that split and break up into smaller particles, though no one knew yet about genes.
The DNA structure was first discovered in 1953 by researchers James Watson and Francis Crick.
A gene is a code of information (similar to a sentence in a computer program) that shows the “production instructions” for proteins – from which all our body cells are constructed. All the genes of the human body are compressed together by a giant molecule called DNA, which contains about 3 billion nucleotides (the “designers” of the computer program).
How does the DNA transform into human body?
There are special chemicals inside the nucleus of a cell that copy small bits of DNA, one tiny coil at a time. These microscopic coils are called RNA; the RNA coils reach a machine in a cell called a ribosome that reads it, producing proteins by using amino acids from its surroundings. That’s how all our body cells are created.
The living cell is a ‘supercomputer’ or, more precisely, an entire factory operated by a ‘supercomputer’. Because of the vast complexity of a living cell, scientists cannot produce a living cell from the inanimate.
Though the answer to your question is a lot simpler. In the simplest organism (living creature), a number of complex actions must operate simultaneously so that they can live and exist:
1. Ability to eat – Entrance and preservation of food. Let’s imagine the living cell as a fortress with doors, including guards who put in proper food and prevent harmful substances from entering.
2. Digestive capability – The transformation of food into energy, which the living cell can utilize. This ‘machine’ is called a lysosome.
3. Discharge capability of digested food – This feature requires a passage of new food, and a passage of digested food. Let’s imagine a factory with different departments, with different passage ways for waste and poisons.
4. Breathing capability and the capability to discharge used oxygen – This machine is called “mitochondrial”.
5. Detoxification of toxic substances entering the cell (such as hydrogen peroxide). Paroxysm and Lysosome are responsible for this in the living cell.
6. Liquid material that holds and links all the components of the cell; called “cytoplasm”, it is actually the “blood” of the cell, which enables movement and complex operations to be executed throughout the cell.
7. The skeleton of the cell – Imagine a fortress, built of walls, hallways, corridors and complex rooms, which must be separated from each other for the guards, ministers and various workers to occupy.
8. External covering protecting the cell from the outside – It’s called the Membrane; it protects the cell from unwanted substances.
9. DNA – This library contains all the information to create the cell. In every cell there is a ‘nucleus’ that contains a DNA molecule, in which all the properties that make up the cell are written in an encoded (a kind of “guide book” for duplicating the cell).
10. Reproducibility – Every living cell has an “internal computer” capable of deciphering the DNA molecule to replicate the cell. This ‘machine’ is called RNA.
Even the simplest cell needs all of the above-mentioned components to survive and replicate itself. Omission of one of the components means death to the cell and immediate extinction.
It is interesting to note that each of these components are made up of innumerable other characteristics that are still being examined by biologists.
For this reason, life will never be able to be created by itself.
The media have in the past presented scientific experiments in a misleading way to the public, as if science had taken a giant step toward a living, inanimate creation; though it can be said that scientists have not succeeded in producing a living cell from an inanimate object, not even a molecule capable of replicating.
In the next article, we will continue to examine the complexity of life and discover scientific proof of the existence of the Creator.
Shalom Alan, thanks for your question.
We are all composed of small cells that are connected to each other, which operate and coordinate together. If we illustrate the living cell as a state, then the human body is actually an entire world, made up of billions of tiny states, each state containing a whole industry of factories, vehicles, computers and more; operating automatically, like a machine.
The smallest living cell in our body is more complex than all of New York City’s plumbing. For hundreds of years, cells had been seen by scientists as little bubbles that split and break up into smaller particles, though no one knew yet about genes.
The DNA structure was first discovered in 1953 by researchers James Watson and Francis Crick.
A gene is a code of information (similar to a sentence in a computer program) that shows the “production instructions” for proteins – from which all our body cells are constructed. All the genes of the human body are compressed together by a giant molecule called DNA, which contains about 3 billion nucleotides (the “designers” of the computer program).

How does the DNA transform into human body?
There are special chemicals inside the nucleus of a cell that copy small bits of DNA, one tiny coil at a time. These microscopic coils are called RNA; the RNA coils reach a machine in a cell called a ribosome that reads it, producing proteins by using amino acids from its surroundings. That’s how all our body cells are created.
The living cell is a ‘supercomputer’ or, more precisely, an entire factory operated by a ‘supercomputer’. Because of the vast complexity of a living cell, scientists cannot produce a living cell from the inanimate.
Though the answer to your question is a lot simpler. In the simplest organism (living creature), a number of complex actions must operate simultaneously so that they can live and exist:
1. Ability to eat – Entrance and preservation of food. Let’s imagine the living cell as a fortress with doors, including guards who put in proper food and prevent harmful substances from entering.
2. Digestive capability – The transformation of food into energy, which the living cell can utilize. This ‘machine’ is called a lysosome.
3. Discharge capability of digested food – This feature requires a passage of new food, and a passage of digested food. Let’s imagine a factory with different departments, with different passage ways for waste and poisons.
4. Breathing capability and the capability to discharge used oxygen – This machine is called “mitochondrial”.
5. Detoxification of toxic substances entering the cell (such as hydrogen peroxide). Paroxysm and Lysosome are responsible for this in the living cell.
6. Liquid material that holds and links all the components of the cell; called “cytoplasm”, it is actually the “blood” of the cell, which enables movement and complex operations to be executed throughout the cell.
7. The skeleton of the cell – Imagine a fortress, built of walls, hallways, corridors and complex rooms, which must be separated from each other for the guards, ministers and various workers to occupy.
8. External covering protecting the cell from the outside – It’s called the Membrane; it protects the cell from unwanted substances.
9. DNA – This library contains all the information to create the cell. In every cell there is a ‘nucleus’ that contains a DNA molecule, in which all the properties that make up the cell are written in an encoded (a kind of “guide book” for duplicating the cell).
10. Reproducibility – Every living cell has an “internal computer” capable of deciphering the DNA molecule to replicate the cell. This ‘machine’ is called RNA.
Even the simplest cell needs all of the above-mentioned components to survive and replicate itself. Omission of one of the components means death to the cell and immediate extinction.
It is interesting to note that each of these components are made up of innumerable other characteristics that are still being examined by biologists.
For this reason, life will never be able to be created by itself.
The media have in the past presented scientific experiments in a misleading way to the public, as if science had taken a giant step toward a living, inanimate creation; though it can be said that scientists have not succeeded in producing a living cell from an inanimate object, not even a molecule capable of replicating.
In the next article, we will continue to examine the complexity of life and discover scientific proof of the existence of the Creator.
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