Inspirational Stories

Bishop Gordon: Judaism Will Bring Light to Africa

Bishop Samuel Gordon is one of thousands of Africans that discovered the beauty of Judaism in the most unlikely place. After their discovery they became enthusiastic supporters of Israel and Judaism. Bishop Gordon says: “it’s as if we were in a hole and all this knowledge was hidden from us!”

Up until 2011, Samuel Gordon, an African Bishop only knew about Christianity. For 30 years he served as a Bishop in different parishes across Nigeria until he relocated to South Africa where he lives presently. Bishop Gordon was interviewed by Orot and explained the changeover that took place in his life that all started with a dream.

“I dreamt that I was in a battle all night. Someone was fighting with me and I mean a real battle in a real war. I remember we started battling and he said to me; “Now is the time, Israel, choose Israel”, Gordon relates.

Jweish Videos English

Rabbi Arush’s Book Changed Bishop Samuel Gordon’s Life

He said the first thought associated with his dream was the fight between Jacob that fought with the angel. “Then I started to look for material and books like those of Rabbi Arush”, Gordon explains. “I got the book “The Garden of Wisdom” and I was blown away! I started learning more and more and I thought; what is this? It’s as if we were in a hole and all this world of knowledge was hidden from us!”
“Only through recognizing Judaism will the stolen soul of Africa return.”

Since then in a sober process that continues to this day Bishop Gordon turned into an enthusiastic admirer of Judaism and the knowledge hidden in it. He fails to understand why none of his friends or acquaintances ever told him there was such a thing called Judaism which brings with it a new and totally different message to the world.

“As a pastor we were trained to think that we are the chosen nation. But Israel is the land of G-d and Jews are the people of the covenant” Gordon says, laying his cards on the table. Gordon also doesn’t hide his deep feelings since his discovery; “my family and I have a strong desire to become Jews. But the Torah says the idea is not to make everyone convert to Judaism, that’s a personal decision. But we just want to clear an avenue, (and provide information) because you can’t just sit outside and criticize people saying they’re worshipping idols or the wrong G-d because you’re not giving them the opportunity to do things the right way.”

torah portion

Bishop Gordon wants to spread the light of Judaism to as many Africans as he can. He claims: “The soul of Africa was stolen many years ago” and only recognizing Judaism is the key to its salvation and redemption. “If we will connect with the Almighty in the right way, light will come to Africa.”

See  Bishop Gordon’s story in video below:

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