Israel news:
Winter Comes to Israel, snow fell on the top of Mount Hermon and there are winds of up to 40 kmh from the northwest and periodically from the southwest. Waves on the coast are expected to be up to 4 meters and rain is forecast for most of Israel with snow in high altitudes.
Rabbi Shteinman’s oldest daughter Rebbetzin Rachel Berlin passed away this morning at age 72. She was the wife of Rabbi Zev Berlin the Rosh Yeshiva of Gaon Yaakov. She stood at her husband’s side for many years as he taught Torah to thousands of students who grew up in the ways of Torah. May her memory be blessed.
Hodaya Assoulin a victim of the Jerusalem city entrance bombing 6 years ago succumbed to her wounds and died: When the bomb went off by a public phone near the bus stop opposite the Jerusalem Convention Center on March 23rd 2011 Hodaya who was 14 at the time was critically injured and never regained consciousness. 2 weeks ago her condition deteriorated and she died on Tuesday night in Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital. The terrorist who placed the bomb Hassin Ali Hassan A Quasmah killed one other tourist and wounded 68. He got a life sentence and 60 years imprisonment. May G-d avenge Hodaya’s blood along with the blood of all other terror victims.
In Kfar Yata on the southern part of Mount Hebron, 8 wanted men were arrested; an M-16 rifle, knives and other homemade weapons were confiscated in a joint campaign of The IDF, GSS and Israeli Police.
Netanyahu and Putin had a half hour long phone conversation about Syria and Iran’s attempt to position itself in Syria.
World news:
Did Jared Kushner meet senior Israelis and try to influence world leaders to vote against the anti-settlement UN resolution during Obama’s presidency? Fake news ‘Russia Gate’ investigators are checking out these ‘allegations’. They should not conveniently forget to investigate Obama and Clinton’s Russian uranium deals among their other unsavory activities.
(Former) Prime Minister Hariri returned to Lebanon landing in Beirut last night. People want to hear what he has to say as there’s an ongoing Hezbollah claim that Saudi Arabia forced him to resign and his own counterclaim that Iran is war mongering and tried to assassinate him.
Violence at Rabbi Nachman’s grave in Uman: 2 men entered Rabbi Nachman’s tomb and were asked to leave. They shot rubber bullets at a young man lightly injuring him.
Pentagon cyber security breach leaks thousands of secret documents: For 8 years the Pentagon was gathering information from social media about terror organizations like ISIS and countries like Iraq and Afghanistan. They amassed a wealth of information of on the organizations and politicians and even American citizens who were interested in those groups. Unfortunately 2 servers at Amazon where the info was stored weren’t properly secured as classified and their information was accessible to anyone with an Amazon Account. Chris Vickery a cyber-security expert at Up-Guard Cyber Security discovered the breach and had the Pentagon close the breach before news outlets would get hold of the information. Up-Guard says: “No organization is totally immune to such mistakes and every organization must constantly check itself over and over.”