How Dangerous are Smartphones?

    Dangerous enough to hide the information from the public for 8 years

    No More than a Whisper – The Best Date Ever

    In this short clip, Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen shares with us eye-opening advice on how to create an intimate moment with…

    Avraham Fried & Yonatan Razel: ‘Katonti’

    Performed at a Tzomah concert. Masterpiece

    Women of Lakewood and Brooklyn, Get Empowered for Rosh Hashana!

    Let Rebbetzin Jackie Bitton and Rebbetzin Yemima Mizrachi help you start the New Year right!

    Ping Pong or Bowling? Watch Chinese Champion Break Records

    Chinese champion breaks records online. With fascinating skill he manages to knock the skittles standing on a ping pong table…

    Long and Intense Dolphin Chase – Watch

    See drone footage of a determined dolphin chasing down his next meal

    Music Video – I’m a Jew and I’m Proud by Benny Friedman

    We have every reason to be proud of being Jewish. This is a must-see music video for every Jew

    War at the End of Days – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    Will the nations of the world wage war against the Jewish people before the final redemption? Rabbi Zamir Cohen analyzes…

    Restaurants Going Kosher in Tel Aviv

    What’s really behind this phenomenon?

    Stages in the Menstrual Cycle

    It is clear that Jewish law provides solutions to a number of difficult medical and family-relationship problems confronted by many…
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