Watch: Bird’s Eye View of Meron on Lag Baomer

    It is a tremendous privilege to arrive at Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai on the day of Lag Baomer, though for…

    Chosen Nation: G-d Gave the Torah Only To Us; Isn’t That Discrimination? Part 4

    G-d gives all of creation according to its needs and their nature

    How Can We Attain Oneg (Enjoyment of) Shabbat?

    Equilibrium and inner peace are a foundation for family peace and Oneg Shabbat. Learn how to attain them.

    10 Facts About Gaon of Vilna

    According to his son’s testimony, the Gra intended to create a new Code of Jewish Law that would decide all…

    How Do You Prevent the Elderly from Falling?

    The Ministry of Health launched a campaign against osteoporosis and preventing seniors from falling

    How Can I Get Atonement For Serious Sins?

    Rabbi Nachum Chaimowitz shows us what to do step by step; the main thing is not to give up and…

    Do We Wear Tefillin on Purim?

    Q. Dear Rabbi, Do we wear Tefillin on Purim? Secondly, besides “Al Hanisim” in the amida are there other changes…

    Your Soul Needs Pleasure

    What is the food of the soul? Why does your soul (nefesh) need pleasure? Rabbi Yakov Kirsh elaborates

    Dehydration: Why Does It Happen?

    10 facts about dehydration to beware of during these hot days
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