World News

Zuckerberg for President?

While we just got our new president speculation already abounds as to who might be the next one after Trump. Is it possible that Marc Zuckerberg is considering running for president in the future? At age 32 the founder of Facebook has succeeded within a decade to turn it into an empire. As of late he also commented: “I was raised Jewish and then I went through a period where I questioned things, but now I believe religion is very important.”

Sources are amusing themselves with the possibility that Zuckerberg might consider running for president in the future. Even if it seems strange, they point out that up to a few months ago the possibility of Trump being president seemed to be no more than imaginary.

As proof for the idea Zuckerberg is working in that direction they cite that his recent activities look more like those of a politician than like those of the founder of a tech and media company like Facebook. For example, Zuckerberg recently announced that one of his goals for this year is to visit all 50 states and meet people in each one. Another proof they cite is that Zuckerberg filed papers with the SEC stating that “if Zuckerberg leaves Facebook to take a public post it should not be considered quitting willfully”.

Zuckerberg also has posted many pictures of himself publicly and hired photographers to take pictures of him at home many times in varied situations which shows he is worried about and trying to build up his image.

Nick Bilton a former technology and business columnist at the New York Times says there are more than a few people who believe that Zuckerberg “wants to be Caesar”. Will that actually happen one day? It may be too early to tell, but let’s not forget we’ve already seen that reality can go way beyond our wildest dreams.

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